You can send us your questions to online for all medical branches. All your questions will be answered by professional doctors who are experts in their fields within 24 hours at the latest.
Medical second opinion serves to consult another physician and have the disease in question evaluated with a different perspective or reinforce and rearrange it when necessary.
If you, as a patient get a second medical opinion before a potential surgery, you can then make your decision based on more comprehensive information. This is important not only because different doctors often have different perspectives, but also because the right decision during an operation does not depend solely on the doctor's specialist knowledge.
Medical second opinion is aimed at helping patients make the right decision and avoid unnecessary surgeries.
Patients from all over Türkiye and the world have the option to get second opinions about their health problems without having to spend on travel and accommodation.
If you have exhausted all the methods, and have no other choice;
You can ask for a second opinion right away.
If the doctor has reassessed and checked the case, he or she will provide the patient with a second medical opinion and discuss the recommendation with the patient. The person is free to undergo or cancel the planned surgery. A written summary of the medical second opinion will be provided upon request. You can also have said medical second opinion sent to your initial doctor. The medical second opinion process offers the patient the opportunity to obtain detailed information and compare relevant arguments.
Before coming to the hospital, patients can get free support regarding reevaluation of tests previously performed due to their health condition by specialists, as well as their diagnosis and treatment options.
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Last Update Date: 18-04-2024 12:31:44